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Works depicted herein may be protected by copyright laws and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective entities and are hereby acknowledged as such. Pieces for Susquehanna University and HealthRx are reproduced by permission of their respective owners. Works in the Branding section are reproduced courtesy of the United States Copyright Office. Filmotype Adonis, Filmotype Atlas, Filmotype Havana, Filmotype Maxwell, Filmotype Nemo, Filmotype Orlando, Filmotype Parade, Filmotype Rose, Filmotype Royal, Filmotype Wand, Filmotype Western, and Filmotype Zeal are trademarks of Charles Gibbons and Font Diner. Local Market and True North are trademarks of Cultivated Mind. Aphasia BT, Fleischman Pro BT, and Full Moon Suite BT are trademarks of Bitstream. Oddsorts, Bradley Chicopee, Bradley Knickerbocker, Bradley Mission Ornaments, Bradley Mittineague, Bradley Springfield, Bradley Wayside, Ciao Bella, Greenleaf, Madison, Winooski, and Zealand trademark and copyright Charles Gibbons / Oddsorts. All rights reserved.